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Love the game however Issue the demo version runs great the downloaded free program closed as I was about to hit play game has this happened to anyone, or is it my zip extractor I'm using winrar 7Zip seems too confusing tbh.


it's really slow, and with the paid version could there be a gallery to view previous completed levels?

eggs and shrimps are way too punishing


not only that, i feel like i've been scammed. Yor is recylcled for six more levels. and in order to play I seriously need both hand or else everything turns into turds. what is the point of a porn game if i can't beat it with one hand. up until level 11 there's only two characters when i anticipated for aqua to be shown earlier.


i pray that you keep working on this game, because it's really not worth the 10 usd i just spent. more art and less slow ass conveyor belt of turds


is this known as ameican dream?




My Phone almost exploded trying to run the game.

Maybe I'll play it later on PC

I appreciate that you changed it so new weights are unlocked as you progress. Thats a great improvement.
I will say the early levels feel a little slow.
This is personal and taste is subjective, but for me the real meat ;) is between stages 0 and 1, so I feel like that jump is too exreme


Even the browser is unstable for some devices.Please optimize like adding low quality,low frame rate etc.

Hello,this is a great looking game so far.But I use the apk file,it keeps on crashing when I try to play it.Can you optimize it so many people can play it?Would love to see this game being successful 

Optimize it please


Toxic-est chat in whole comunity.

Btw I love your game, but for some reason ussualy tearns everything into poop. Like from 100 correct attemps i made only 2-3 into junk food.

I used browser.


Like it is def. Bug cus i tried something tht looks like potato convert to all 3 things and i got 3 poop. Also tube(s) sometimes dont even hit food eben if it should.

can someone PLEASE make this purchasable with card

(1 edit) (+1)

You can try Patreon

i have tried Patreon but its not letting my card go through


ayo i dont usually comment but like. the ppl complaining do understand that porn isn't real life, right? oh no! ppl have a weird kink! call the police! are they also gonna comment on extreme size difference stuff like "its wrong to like this bcause irl, if someone put an object that big up their ass, theyd die"??

op, this is a fun game with great artwork. keep doing what makes you happy. i bet someone just posted a link to this on a hate server or smth.

This means a lot! thank you <3


If you play this actually fuck yourself

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+13)(-3)

The people losing their minds in the comments at the concept of a fat fetish  crack me up.

Folks if this surprises you, you must be new to the internet.


I agree


if you've come here to complain, no one is forcing you to play the game, just keep scrolling and move on with your day.




Nobody wants fat bitcvhes


well then why are you in this game why aren't you going to play fucking normal games 


because its fucking funny


thats no funny


Ayo Kill yourself 


What are you gonna do fat boy 


Thank you so much!


Delete this shit bro it's not late


Don't you have 15 other games to pester for android versions?


apparently obesity is considered erotic according to this game tags 💀


For some people it is, if you don't like it no one asked you to come comment it xD


Listen, I just don't get why you people like this shit.
as a professional degenerate who browse this website for adult games daily.
How should I play the game one handed to this shit when them bitches built like jabba the hutt. 🗿
When will I find the vagina the most important part about adult/erotic games in these women?
Also everyone pelvis would just break by the sheer force these obese women possessed.


It's okay to not getting it, but don't kink shame people who just don't have the same taste


Alright, you do you.

Just don't become obese yourself, it ain't healthy.

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

And you have demonstrated you are entirely closed to learning, so why are you here talking about it? Why pretend to comment because you 'don't understand' when you have no intent to even try?


What is there for me to try to "learn" about obesity except the fact that people died from it?

I seen people ruined their own lives because of obesity, and a friend who have it but still trying to lose weight because he want to have girlfriend.

This kink game is full of people like you who promote obesity like it should be fashion trend without harm.

(1 edit) (+3)

I don't recall promoting anything, what I did was question your existence in this comment section.

You crusading here serves no functional purpose. except perhaps to bolster an ego which one suspects needs no further enlargement.

Answer honestly; Do you act as though fiction and reality concord in regards to any other game genre? Do you rail against other body modification fetish games for unhealthy body imagery? Do you equate media with the brain washing trope for instance to be an indicator of psychological abuse? Are gacha waifu collections indicative of slavery?

More importantly; do you go to those games, and spend your time railing, insulting, and lambasting just as much as you have here? If not, why? If absurdist games are reliable indicators of actual behaviour, why are you not taking up the clarion and torch to Rimworld or the Skyrim or Sims modding scenes?


No one is making you download these games lmao

(2 edits) (-9)

Exactly, that's why I'm concerned about whoever downloaded them in the first place.

Because it's guaranteed they will find this "kink" somewhat relatable to them.

For example, if you enjoy milf kink, you like your mom. (this is not your mom joke)


Honestly i don't really cares what y'all think about me or this game, the least you could do is heed my advice.

Go workout, eat responsibly and get fit.

It ain't that hard just take time, unlike this disgusting fetish game where you just gain weight and shit your pant like nikocado avocado.

Seeing this game and you defending this "fetish" to my comment really motivated me to go workout even more because now i know out there somewhere will always have retards who think being fatter than caseoh is ok.

Deleted 163 days ago

good for you, that mean you future is pretty bright.


Also just because you're athlete and stating the fact that your body is different from these game fetish doesn't mean there's no obese person here, and I'm here for them not you because you already got your facts straight.




dont continue developing 😭🙏


late to this but fuck off, you aren't doing anything but wasting time and energy "crusading" to "save" people from obesity which was never really even a concern here. the real problem is people like you who just have to ruin every little thing that they don't 100% agree with.


I like the game but she gets too big too quickly, I wish there were lots more in-between sizes and you can unlock larger sizes at later levels


New update soon regarding this :)

Following so I will get the update


Bro ☠️☠️☠️☠️


even though i pres the right button the food turns into poop

Are you still experiencing this issue? 

it was working a lot better, then towards the end of the first level it started doing it again


Problem: when I use a correct suction I make the food to shit 


Loving your work. Will support when can. Keep it up.


Also if you can add some One Piece girl to fatten up. 

Please and thank you


loving ur dead nan. her ashes smell like roses fag

Thank you so much!


this is really fun. Well besides the small text about how to play . Looking forward to see more updates for the new gsme. And I wish u the best of luck my friend 


Fat boy

Very soon!